Sanctuary Wall Project Update
The Sanctuary Wall project has been in progress since September 2017. The construction of the Wall is complete as well as the move of the bank of doors between the front entrance and the Narthex. We are currently waiting for the 2 sets of doors between the Sanctuary and the Narthex, the stain on the new wall panels, the paint on the overheads, window coverings, and the new doors for the chair closet. These are expected to be done in November 2017.
We have had many comments that the new carpet in the Narthex looks fuzzy. We have had word that the installed carpets were defective at the manufacturer level and will be replaced.

The front entryway flooring in complete. This features a new inset boot rug to lessen any tripping hazards. The painting, baseboards and masonry is still being worked on and is expected to be completed in November 2017.

The Westminster Lounge has had a new coat of paint on the doors and walls. The window coverings, baseboards and chair rails are yet to be completed. These are expected to be done in November 2017.